Monday, January 9, 2017

From Tyro to Warhorse (Introductory Post)

My Journey

"A self taught painter was once taught by a very ignorant person" - John Constable

I'm a 16 year old self taught artist. My parents was not fond in art. I did not attend fancy art school because my parents cant afford one for me. Still even not having this kinds of opportunity in life I didn't turned back on my passion for art. I can feel that I am born to be with this devotedness. Art for me is not about how I appreciate the beauty that I have seen in many things, but it is how people see what or how can I interpret that beauty. I know for sure since I was already aware on how the world revolves, theres a voice inside me saying, "God made me for you, I am your Passion in addition of God's love." And as I grow I believed in that attachment.

When I was four years old, My mother used to teach me how to write. After all, a parents is our first  teacher. She'd let me write and teach me how to write my name on a piece of paper. That day I have a pet cat. Instead writing my own name. I'd draw our pet cat. That was the day my parents realized that I like painting. Even though My parents is not fond of painting, they know how to appreciate their child's talent. I appreciate the fact that they are proud of me for who I am and that is more valuable than them letting me study a fancy art school. Now I have three siblings and I am second of the eldest and I have to tell you that I am the only one who is fond in drawing. My two younger sisters may have a chance to gain passion for art but I'll let God decide on how they are going to be in life.

       When I was 10 years old, I started loving cartoons. It was my entertainment during school break and holidays. Because of watching these cartoons, such as animes, I started loving to draw them. Many people love animated characters and I realized, why not draw one? I've been dreaming to create my very own animated characters since the day I met one but in order to achieve such goal was to start from the very basic. So, I started reproducing famous animated characters. Every year I draw many different characters such as naruto, one piece, etc. I started from a simple pencil. Then theres a pen, brush tools, paints, brushes, color pencils and so on.

  Years have passed and my materials were increasing. Then another thought came to me,"Why not collect them?". And so I collected. It was a sign that my journey was going well. I started saving my allowance so that I can buy art materials. Seeing my materials increasing was like seeing myself growing.

I share this to you because I want you to know that it does not matter how you started or how you began years ago. It doesn't matter that its what you do for your job in the future. What really matters is that you gave importance for your passion and continuing to grow every day. 

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