Monday, January 9, 2017


KESWICK Conference 2K16

Last Christmas 2016, Me and my family celebrated Christmas in our home. We enjoyed a simple Christmas Noche Buena with my family and other relatives. We had a Christmas party in our home and played parlor games till Christmas morn. It was one of my best Christmas in my entire life.

After the Christmas day, Me and the other youth from my church attended KESWICK Conference 2016.Youth from Fundamental Baptist Churches of Southern and Eastern Mindanao gathered to have fellowship with other youth. The conference was held at Faith Fundamental Baptist Church Panabo City, hosted by the sector 3 churches. Registration was affordable for only 150 in four days. Different Kinds of activities was done and messages from many Blessed Pastors brought light to the youth.

One of the message was read according to Col. 3:1-9 which is about setting the right priorities. One of the Pastors said that youth like us nowadays has a wrong priority in life because we prioritize the things that cannot glorify God. It also said that we can change our moral ethical behavior by letting Christ live within us. By doing so, He can shape us into what we should be. The pastors reminders for the youth today was first, To set your mind on heavenly things. Second, Set not your mind on worldly things. And third, Is to set your mind to imitate Christ.

The conference day schedule was full of activities. every activity routine is scheduled.  Early in the morning we wake up around 5;00 am to start the day. First to do was our morning devotion then after that is parlor game or "Palarong Pinoy". Games are to be participated by the corresponding team which is divide by random youth and grouped into different colors. after the parlor games is breakfast and self preparation for the morning service. Three messages from three different pastors was given during morning service. After morning service is lunch and in the afternoon is sports game including basketball.

The major sport game in the conference was basketball. There were a lot of good players but as always, one trophy for one winner. The game was fun and entertaining because everyone was disciplined. All they have in mind is to play the good game in sportsmanship with Christ.

On the last night, we had a Banquet Night. In this banquet, youth from different churches is required to find a partner for the banquet. Your partner must be from a different church in order to meet new people and to make the fellowship even more fun. This made the conference even more memorable.

Right after the Banquet Night, we started the last service of the conference. Everyone was blessed including me after that message. The Pastor encourage the youth to never let go of God and always put Him in our number one priority. He reminded us that don't let the youth ran out of fire unto serving God and let your light shine unto others so that everyone will know that Jesus Saves.

Pslams 37;4
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."


  1. I like it! Good job. Keep the good work.

  2. The heck Spread Gods's Love broner hahahaha
